![]() Simply the Best Place to go for Online Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Oct 16. 2023 |
Tying season is upon those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, while the ones living south of the equator can look forward to a budding fishing season. Since I'm located in a region where fishing is slowing down and winter may soon come, I will turn my attention to the vise and the material bins, and most likely tie more flies in the coming weeks than I have tied during all the summer months. This will most likely also mean that more tying articles and patterns will find their way to the site. The first ones have already seen the light of day, and more are on the way. But just because I haven't been tying, does not mean that new patterns have been missing from the site. Thanks to a very stable stream of manuscripts from UK based tyer Nick Thomas, the site is full of innovative and different patterns with interesting names such as Neoprene Beetle, Hitched Hoglouse, Slinky Shrimp and many more. Nick's patterns are almost always breaking the mold, and introducing new ideas, shapes, materials and techniques. You can find all Nick's articles here. Another one named the Facehugger after Ridley Scott's famous sci-fi monster is on the way. Intriguing and different as always, so something to look forward to. I have a couple of articles aimed at beginning tyers on the way, one called "New tyer, don't do this!" covering common idiosyncracies that I often see with new tyers. I'll try to uncover them and explai why and how to get rid of them. I also have a couple more installments to what was originally meant as a longer series on tying durable flies. As always: if you have an idea for an article, let me know. If you can write if yourself, so much the better! Just reply to this mail, and I will see what we can work out. Martin