Nick Thomas
- Run on the tying thread, remove the tag end and take around the bend in touching turns.
- Catch in a length of monofilament thread braid and tie down up the hook.
- Tie in a length of flex-floss and wind up and down the hook under varying tension to build the underbody with a taper at both ends.
- Wind the braid forward in touching turns, tie in and trim off the waste.
- Darken the back of the body with a marker pen.
- Coat with UV resin and cure.
- Cut a short piece of monofilament hold the middle in a pair of tweezers and melt the ends to form the eyes. Tie in with cross wraps a short distance behind the hook eye.
- Strip the fluff from the base of a partridge hackle, pull back the fibres and snip out the tip.
- Wind a turn of dubbing in front of the body and tie in the hackle with the fibres on either side.
- Dub the thorax finishing with wraps between the eyes.
- Pull back the dubbing fibres and build a small head.
- Whip finish and varnish the head.
brown trout
Hook | Hends BL 554 #8-12 |
Thread | Copper 12/0 |
Underbody | Fulling Mill golden olive flex-floss |
Body | Airflo 30lb hollow braid backing and 12lb green Amnesia monofilament covered with UV resin |
Legs | Yellow partridge |
Eyes | Melted Amnesia monofilament |
Thorax | Vicuna olive dubbing and natural pine squirrel dubbing |