Jan Grandal-Johansen
- Tie in the black kevlar at the head, work back down the body tying in the kevlar to where the bend of the hook just starts.
- Go back to the eye just stopping short
- Start to rap the kevlar back to the eye, not touching turns just missing each time to create a gap exposing the black thread. Tie down very well ( kevlar can slip if not tied down well).
- Now have alook at the buzzer and decide how big you want the head. ie go back with the thread say just short of a 1/4 of a inch a rough guide only gently move forward to just short of the eye and build a small cone shape
- End the thread behind the cone. Tie in two biots one each side.
- Tie down behind the eye tie off.
- A little tip I do is once you have tied off the buzzer at the eye,is get the thread again and go behind the goose biots with the thread and do a tiny little cone tie off with 2-3 turns only.
- Finish of with a good coat of flu glue, On the thread and biots only not the Kevlar, and repeat when dry
brown trout