This is the seventh of my 10 commandments of fly fishing and you can apply it in which ever way it helps you.
7. Try the extra bit.
Do a bit of extra. Tie flies, invite a new fishing friend, tie extra leaders or tippets, teach someone new to fly fish. Or write a tip of the day. That is an extra bit as well.
10 fly-fishing commandments
I am by no means the world’s best fly fisher, or the best fly tyer, but I have taught many people to fish as well as hundreds of school kids. Up to a couple hundred have attended my Nymphing Master Classes.
I have heard so many times: "I cannot fish", "I cannot cast", "I do not know where to fish", "I wonder how that guy catches so many fish"
I developed my 10 commandments of fishing, that I normally try and share with people along the way.
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