On further investigation I find by emails with Jan that this is not a 2-colored BWO.
Recent comments
I fish the sioux a lot. Looks like a lake run brown. Nice photo.
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Be nice to have more information on the 2 colored CDC fly. Form the picture it is not very obvious where the 2-color part comes from or what the body is made of.
River Vltava in Dobra is my very favourite venue especially known for its big graylings and beautiful nature. So itôs nice to find something about my country on your website. If you want to buy fishing permit, you need state licence as described above. This licence can be bought at town hall of bigger towns but some problems are possible. Opening hours are not convenient and language skills of town officials can be very poor. Czech fishing union, which distributes fishing permits, is not very flexible organization so it's very useful to contact particular organization before your visit to arrange an appointment. The best solution is probably to contact some czech guides or common flyfisher as Kasper done. For example www.flyfish.cz or www.czechfly.com can help you. Above mentioned Honza Siman is excelletn flyfisher as well as famous producer of interesting tying materials
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I have seen previous series Essential skills by Oliver Edwards and I would briefly say that' s one of the best video I have ever seen. Beautiful fish, skilfull flyfisher, excellent fly-tyer. So thanks for your notice of new series
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nice looking fish and nice looking dog. what kind of dog is that?
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If you follow the link to DGP Productions (mentioned in the fact box) you will find plenty of information on these and Edward's other DVDs, patterns, pictures, even video clips. And you can buy the DVDs online, pay in dollars and have them shipped directly. No need for Amazon here.
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I'm a bit disappointed. There is no information on what flies are described, not even a large enough picture to read the label to find out. I know you are not into sales here but I can not find out where in the states I can order either of the DVDs. Not Amazon for sure.
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Dear sirs: My name is Marcos Podesta from Argentina and I fished the Patagonia for 27 years. I just arrived from a fishing trip from there, where I fished some lakes and rivers.Before the trip, I tied some of this fly patterns (the Zuddler) in diferent sizes and colours, and I obtained a remarkable succesful catching brown and rainbow trouts between 4 to 6 pounds with this fly. The movment effect in the water of this fly with conehead and rabbit tail is mortal.
Thanks Mr.Emery and Mr. Rode !!!
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how about using sculpin wool instead of deer hair with lead eyes.in tying the bow river bugger.
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What a great shot. I almost wanted to set the hook myself. How was this shot set up. And where are you fishing that rainbows will still take flies with a camera in their face?
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I certainly respect your opinion and I think I have stated fairly clearly in the article that lifting fish out of the water in the jaw is not necessarily the best way of doing things. I have yet to see any visible damage to any fish I have seen handled in this way and I would be very pleased if you could mail me some links with references to the studies about the swallow reflex you mention. As a biologist I would be very eager to read them.
Personally I think a campaign against spinning lures with three large treble hooks or the usage of gaffs would be a better way to spend ones energy, but as I said: I respect your opinion... although I might have wished for a kinder and more constructive tone... ;-)
Thanks for your valued input anyway.
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Your story above is just bullshit! A big pike or a fat pike will get serious damage if you just lift it in the gill. Studies about this, you can read them here on the Internet if you search! Personaly I've noticed that it takes far longer time for the pike to recover, if you lift it in the gill, completely above the water. But the biggest problem is that the swallowreflex will be destroyed if you do so.
Best regards
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Needs fill flash to me. I don't think you would lose the other nice aspects mentioned.
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I'd try one other thing, hen hackle instead of rooster.
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Thank You so Much!! I had to finish this fly for a class, and I wasn't sure how to do it, but this showed me with such precision I was able to tie the best one. Thanks again.
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I experienced many times, that these sea trouts were just "nibbling" my ( SMALL ) flies ! Unable to hook them. I would think that you would get lots of mistakes in the long tails of these flies ! Do you recognise this ?
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Very nice photo indeed.
Background just a little bit "un-straight", but still a very very nice composition !
I am very interested in the tubing used for this innovation - who can market the 'tubes' and where will I get them?
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Guides are about 300 USD per day or more for a boat with room for two or three anglers. There are lots of outfitters. Try looking for guides in Punta Allen, Cancun or Boca Paila on Google.
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Lies and faults? I happen to live here, and fish here on a very regular basis (54 days last year, 66 days until now this year), and although coastal cod have been few during the last years I see no lies or faults in this text..
And regarding the size of the sea trout, I beg to differ as my regular blog entries here on GFF also indicate. If you expect 5 to 10 kilo fish, you will be disappointed. We do catch quite a few smaller fish, but there are also some nice specimens in the lot.
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